Sunday, September 25, 2011


This is the ingredient for "Steam Lap Cheong rice" and Quick stir fry season bean :D curi-curi learn this dish from my mom, MOM, you are the BEST! hahahha

'Turtle bean' cut short
Big Red Chilli take out sead and cut cube

Salty radish cut small and marinate with sugar to release salty

Slice small of 'Lap Cheong'
but remember to peal off the 'skin'

this is my lunch
Steam Lap Cheong Rice with stir fry season bean
All you need to do is chop & cut everything into small pieces/ sliced as your preference and mix it all & cook :D

 -Very Simple, just place thin sliced Lap Cheong on cooked rice and steam it for around 20 minute
-the oil from the Lap Cheong will mix with white rice, nice aroma :D

-Cut water hard beancurd into small pieces and quick fry it with butter until golden (become dry, so when fry later will not 'smash' and can have 'effect' of Egg ^^)
-in hot pan, put in some oil and quick fry salty radish till aromatic, put in fine chop season bean, chilli, fry bean curd, quick stir add in some salt and sugar
-alternative may put in sesame oil :)

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Hope you all enjoy your meal :)

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